Monday 8 August 2016

101 in 1001 - The Concept

Not long before my 2 youngest children came along, my husband and I attempted the Day Zero challenge of completing 101 goals in 1001 days (you can read more about it here

The general concept is you compile a list of 101 preset goals within a period of 1,001 days.  Your goals must be specific and realistic with a clearly defined result but must also stretch you and involve some amount of work on your part. 

Needless the say the patter of tiny feet, and me giving up work to look after them, meant that many of the goals on the list were rendered obsolete due to time, money and just the general nature of the goals. I mean how feasible is to take two under the age of 5 to Las Vegas!

Mirage Hotel - August 2007

The idea behind the 1,001 days is that it helps to beat procrastination. Standard lists such as bucket lists and New Year's resolutions don't generally have a specific deadline, whereas this does.  The 1,001 days (about 2.75 years) allows you several seasons to reach your goal and allows for better organising and timing.  As a planner geek, this appealed to me immensely both then and now.

Anyway, fast forward to a few months ago and I began to see people's lists popping up in posts on my Facebook news feed and it sparked my interest so I decided to give it another go.  Obviously I have had to make some major changes to my original goals to take into consideration the two small people that now take up a large amount of my time and money but I'm hopeful that I will be able to complete a large proportion of my list, if not all of it within the timescale.

I decided I would start my list from 1st August 2016, which means 1001 days will be up by the 29 April 2019. I had planned to have my list up for all to see on the 1 August but I was still trying to decide between a couple of goals, hence the delay in posting.

Making the list has been a challenge in itself in some ways and I have attempted to sort my list into categories to ensure that my goals are a mix of challenging and fun as well as not all being centred around one area of my life. I'm hoping that this challenge will be what I need to give me a push to start actually start making my dreams a reality.

In the interest of keeping my post short and sweet I will be posting my full list of goals in a separate post later today. In the meantime I would love to hear from you if you have attempted the challenge (whether you completed it or not) or if I've inspired you to start your own (that means at least one of my goals can be crossed off :-) )

Debbie x


  1. Can't wait to see your list. I'm going to start a list in my fauxdori 😁 xx

  2. Thanks, it should be live in the morning x
